Friday, October 10, 2008

Coming home

I've been traveling a lot lately for work, and it's always good to get home. I love flying into O'Hare at night, especially coming from the east coast, since the typical flight path follows the Lake Michigan shoreline. I can pick out the landmarks starting around the Museum of Science and Industry and follow them all the way up to Wrigley Field before we bank towards O'Hare itself.

I always watch for Elgin - you would think with the river and casino it would be easy-ish to spot - but no luck so far. I've got a couple more trips planned for the next month, so I'll keep my eyes peeled.

I've also been heavily window shopping. More details on that soon.


Anonymous said...

Ha, because of the theme of this blog I don't know if you have been looking in windows at items you want or if you are literally shopping for new windows.

Crysta said...

Ah, the "window shopping" does need an explanation - I'm looking to replace the oldest, draftiest, crappiest windows posthaste, before the winter winds set in!